Truck Pull 4340 Axles

Pulling Truck Axles and Hub Kits

4340 Thru-Hardened Alloy Pulling Axles



Developed for Transfer Truck pulling classes we start with 4340 Thru Hardened Bar Stock for the axles and utilize a standard 40 spline outer that mates to our chrome moly drive flange for confidence in handling you power and weight loads. We also offer optional Hub kits that utilize Chrome-Moly drive flanges and aluminum caps in standard and over-sized safety caps for added safety required in some classes and the kits come with all the hardware for the conversion. You can buy the axles here or the complete hub kit PT4210 packages by selecting the desired hub kit.
Maximum shaft length in 40.5" Long!

*Orders typically ship within 2 - 3 weeks due to offsight heat treating process!

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4340 Thru-Hardened Alloy Pulling Truck Axles



Developed for Transfer Truck pulling classes we start with 4340 Thru Hardened Bar Stock for the axles and utilize a standard 40 spline outer that mates to our chrome moly drive flange for confidence in handling you power and weight loads.

We also offer optional Hub kits that utilize Chrome-Moly drive flanges and aluminum caps in standard and over-sized safety caps for added safety required in some classes and the kits come with all the hardware for the conversion. You can buy the axles here or the complete hub kit PT4210 packages by selecting the desired hub kit.

Maximum shaft length in 40.5" Long!

*These shafts are made to order and typically ship within 2 - 3 weeks due to offsight heat treating process!


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